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Number 562 // December/Januray/February"2024-2025
"43e Plus Grand Concours Photo du Monde"

More than 200 pages featuring passionate photographers who specialize in urban photography around the world.
Order : Still Human Editions

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Lusted Men is a collection of erotic photographs of men. it brings together images entrusted by professional or amateur photographers, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. partners, lovers, models, friends or self-portraits unfold on 700 pages of photography, proposing as many ways of recomposing our emotional and erotic bonds in the XXIᵉ century.

Two photgraphies included.
Höebeke / Gallimard. Lusted Men : order here

About my work, Fill In, online magazine.


Square Magazine 2.1

Magazine dedicated to square format.

Read it there : Square Mag


Square Magazine 403

Magazine dedicated to square format.Read it there : Square Mag


Donderdag 2010, Netherlands

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